2560 S. Kessler - Wichita, Kansas



Overseas Coupon Program :
This is a reminder for all those who receive the Sunday paper to keep the coupon section and bring it with you to the Wing meetings.  If you cannot make  it to the meeting but have coupons to donate there is a box in the Hangar when you walk in that you can place them in.  If you are able to prepare the coupons yourself that would be greatly appreciate, please see the steps below.  However if you do not have the time to put into coupon preparation but still have Sunday coupons that you would be willing to donate please bring them with you to the Monthly Wing Meetings and give them to Tony Condon (Leah Condon has volunteered to cut out the coupons!)

What type of Coupons? 

Manufacturer’s Coupons” are the coupons of choice since they are accepted at any store.   Coupons from the dispensers in grocery stores, from the internet and from your local newspaper inserts, and dozens of other places are good as long as those magic words are on them: "Manufacturer's Coupon."


Expired Coupons? 

2 Months Max!  Yes expired coupons are accepted.  We recommend not sending any coupons older than 2 months expired on the date of shipment.  They can use them for a couple of months after that but remember that the volunteers at the base must process the coupons once they arrive and get them out to be used.  We also need to leave enough time for them to have the families sort through them and find the ones they want for use.


What type of coupons NOT to send? 

Do NOT send Assistance Vouchers, Food Stamps, or any other assistance items, which generally have a personal name on them or are issued for a specific person to use.  Store coupons, those only good at the store named are useless on a military base overseas.  The stores there are the BX/PX or the Commissary.  (See below)  Do NOT send restaurant coupons. 


Sort the Coupons 

Most bases have 2 stores. One is called the “Commissary” which is a grocery store and the other is the PX or BX which is a department store.  We therefore ask you to sort the coupons into “food” and “non-food” bundles so that they can more easily be placed in the correct venue once they arrive at the base.  If a base wants additional sorting they will let you know but this is the standard sort that OCP is aware of.


How to package the coupons? 

Use baggies, envelopes, etc., to contain the different categories -- whatever will keep them separated during shipment.  (Do NOT use rubber bands, paper clips, and similar methods of keeping the coupons sorted as they do not work and will come apart in shipping).


Be sure to label the bundles! 
It is important to label the bundles "Food" and "Non-Food" or as the base requests.

What's "Food" and what's not?   

Here's my rule of thumb: It's food if it can be eaten by humans, is usually eaten by humans, and is normally eaten to provide calories. For example, dog & cat food would be "Non-Food", but Ensure or Slim-Fast would be "Food."  Vitamins would be "Non-Food".  Chewing Gum and Mints are food.


Tally the coupons 

Add up the face value dollar amount for the coupons.  And write the dollar amount on each envelope/bag of coupons

How do I total coupons without a face value?
"Buy one, get one free" offers usually have a maximum value printed on them. If not, make your best guess.  

Buy something, get something by mail offers (e.g., get a stuffed bear for purchasing boxes of Sudafed products) count for zero, but please send them anyway! (These things make nice, inexpensive Christmas gifts for the children.)